Specialists in experiential & unique travel
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Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel  (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)
Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島 | 悅榕莊 | Banyan Tree | 包團 | 度身訂造 | 豪華旅遊 | Luxury Travel | Private Tours | Tailor Made Trips | Luxe Travel (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉)

Banyan Tree Samui - 蘇梅島悅榕莊 - 泰國, 蘇梅島

坐落於山上層疊連綿的梯田, 從 Banyan Tree Samui 蘇梅島悅榕莊 可以俯瞰風景秀麗的 Lamai Bay。蘇梅島悅榕莊位於蘇梅島東南海岸的一個私人小海灣。由喧囂的大城市退卻到一個丸靜的天堂,您可以盡情地放鬆心情。每天晚上讓由泰國海灣 (Gulf of Thailand) 送來的爽涼海風和波濤聲帶您入眠。不論您選擇的是海景泳池別墅 (Ocean Pool Villa),兩房的海景泳池別墅 (Sanctuary Pool Villa),或是環抱絕倫海景的Royal Banyan Villa,都會令您流連忘返。



What we love: 

  • 由別墅和餐廳可欣賞一流的景色
  • 您只需要踏出一步,便可以由別墅躍身到尊屬您的私人泳池

What we know: 

  • 由於私隱度較高的別墅數量非常有限,如果您想享受最高的私隱度,請提早預定。
Additional information: 


品味遊深明各位尊貴旅客的期望,能在有限時間讓無邊慾望得到滿足,無需長途跋涉舟車勞頓才到達景點, 所以我們能為您度身訂造獨一無二的品味之旅,擁抱最佳時刻,打造專屬您的「特色尊貴包團」,全天候緊貼您的每個需要,確保每刻都是良辰美景賞心樂事。




  • 蜜月果盤
  • 入住當日於別墅內以鮮花作佈置
  • 蛋糕乙個 (半磅)


*條款及細則適用。優惠適用於由香港出發。優惠需視乎酒店及機票之訂購情況,不能兌換現金或與其他任何優惠同時使用。如有任何爭議,以英文本為準及品味遊保留最終之決定權 。

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