Specialists in experiential & unique travel
*The English version is not created. There is Traditional Chinese version Page.
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
紐西蘭 Queenstown New Zealand Luxury resort (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe World  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)

Matakauri Lodge - 紐西蘭, 皇后鎮

新西蘭 Matakauri Lodge 最近被選為世界頂級酒店101間,是位於Wakatipu 湖畔小型豪華精品酒店,距離皇后鎮市中心只需幾分鐘車程。皇后鎮被喻為是完美的城市,  並適合英國伊麗莎白女皇居住,因此它被命名為「皇后鎮」。




What we love: 

  • 四季壯觀的湖景

What we know: 

  • 這家酒店距離皇后鎮約7分鐘,是在皇后鎮的無與倫比的隱世渡假天堂
  • 體驗各類休閒娛樂活動,如遠足,騎馬,參觀酒莊,釣鱒魚,秀麗的Milford Sound 及隱秘的湖泊等等
Additional information: 


品味遊 (Luxe Travel) 深明各位尊貴旅客的期望,能在有限時間讓無邊慾望得到滿足,無需長途跋涉舟車勞頓才到達景點,或許以直升機飛越冰川。我們能為您度身訂造獨一無二的品味之 旅,擁抱最佳時刻,打造尊屬您的「特色尊貴包團」,全天候緊貼您的每個需要,確保每刻都是良辰美景賞心樂事。


特色尊貴包團: +852 2539 0629/ +86 147 14337 863





  • 無與倫比的雙重直升機飛行體驗
  • 來回香港及奧克蘭之經濟機票
  • 所需之來回內陸之經濟機票
  • 極緻品味酒店之2晚住宿
  • 共6晚入住於霍克斯湾、皇后鎮及羅托魯之5星級酒店



  • 尊享「尊屬您」的車、司機及當地導遊
  • 尊享免費酒店用早餐及當地用之午餐
  • 尊享品味禮賓服務

*條款及細部: 價格包括來回經濟倉機票及酒店,有關稅項及燃油附加費不包括在內,不適用於指定日子包括香港及目的地之長假期、公眾假期、特別日子及展覽時段。「極緻品味 紐西蘭慢活體驗」10天之旅以最少10人同行計。價格可因供應商之價格及匯率變動、機位及酒店之供應情況而調整,煩請聯絡我們以提供即時報價。如有任何爭 議,以英文本為準,品味遊保留最終之決定權。

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