Specialists in experiential & unique travel
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Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)
Kauri Cliffs Luxury resort lodge New Zealand Glacier (flight ∙ hotel ∙ package ∙ cruise ∙ private tour ∙ business ∙ M.I.C.E ∙ Luxe Travel ∙ Luxury travel  ∙ Luxury holiday  ∙ Luxe Tour  ∙ 特色尊貴包團 ∙  商務旅遊 ∙  自由行套票 ∙滑雪  ∙ 溫泉 ∙ 品味假期 ∙ 品味遊)

Kauri Cliffs - 紐西蘭, 凱裡凱裡

紐西蘭作為一個高端品味目的地來說,他是個低調、高質數細緻淡雅的國家。紐西蘭並不只於綿羊、羊脂膏及自駕遊。  尤其不可錯過的是直升機體驗: 它能帶你去任何其他交通工具無法到達的地方(無論是冰川、山頂還是人跡罕至的沙灘) ,絕對是一個無與倫比的體驗。 而紐西蘭四季皆適合旅遊,您可以盡情體驗悠閒寧靜的大自然, 如騎馬、遊葡萄酒莊、釣鱒魚、飛行觀光前往令人難忘的米爾福德峽灣 (Milford Sound)及 塔斯曼冰川 (Tasman Glacier)、隱蔽的湖泊和其他的地方,體驗「尊屬您」的品味紐西蘭之旅。

Kauri Cliffs 位處於 6,000 英畝附近的 Matarui Bay ,是北部地區有名的豪華度假勝地,180度全景的太平洋盡收眼簾。您將一邊享用由優秀的廚師烹調出的精湛太平洋沿岸地區的美食, 一邊欣賞 Cape Brett 和 Cavalli Islands 的美景, 細味人生。

Kauri Cliffs 的高爾夫球場是由佛羅里達州的著名高爾夫球場顧問 - 大衛·哈曼 (David Harman) 設計的, 並在 Golf Digest Top 100 Greatest Golf Course 中排名第39。總佔地面積為 6,510米,擁有國際標準15洞 (全是眺望著遼闊的大海, 其中6洞更是向海揮桿) 、標準桿為72桿的高爾夫球場, 適合不同品味高爾夫球愛好者參與, 讓您盡情享受揮桿樂趣。



What we love: 

  • 請盡情享受與大海融為一體的高爾夫球場 

What we know: 

  • 參與每週一次的農場之旅,  體驗牧羊狗如何在農場工作的 
Additional information: 




  • 無與倫比的雙重直升機飛行體驗
  • 來回香港及奧克蘭之經濟機票
  • 所需之來回內陸之經濟機票
  • 極緻品味酒店之2晚住宿
  • 共6晚入住於霍克斯湾、皇后鎮及羅托魯之5星級酒店



  • 尊享「尊屬您」的車、司機及當地導遊
  • 尊享免費酒店用早餐及當地用之午餐
  • 尊享品味禮賓服務

*條款及細部: 價格包括來回經濟倉機票及酒店,有關稅項及燃油附加費不包括在內,不適用於指定日子包括香港及目的地之長假期、公眾假期、特別日子及展覽時段。「極緻品味 紐西蘭慢活體驗」10天之旅以最少10人同行計。價格可因供應商之價格及匯率變動、機位及酒店之供應情況而調整,煩請聯絡我們以提供即時報價。如有任何爭 議,以英文本為準,品味遊保留最終之決定權。

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