A New Chapter of Unique Privileges | The Peninsula Hotels | LUXE TRAVEL
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Enter a new chapter of unique privileges with LUXE TRAVEL!
As one of The Peninsula Hotels’ most valued luxury travel professionals, LUXE TRAVEL is proud to announce on officially becoming a member of The PenClub, which has been created to serve Luxe Travel Insiders. Highlights of Luxe Bonus Amenities are priority bookings at each Peninsula Hotel and flexible check-in and check-out, regardless of the arrival time at the hotel.
Highlights of The Peninsula Hotels:
Peninsula Tokyo
Peninsula New York
Peninsula Paris
Peninsula Chicago
Peninsula Beverly Hills
Enjoy LUXE TRAVEL in a Different Way!
Discover > +852 2539 0628 | Private Tour > +852 2539 0629/+86 14714337 863 | Email >info@luxetravel.com.hk